SPID credentials to access all the online services of the Public Administration
on a PA website
Go to the website of the institution you are interested in (eg INPS, INAIL, etc.) and look for the login "Enter with SPID"
with your SPID
Enter your SPID credentials and access the requested service.
services in safety
One account for all online services, one password to remember.
SpidPower is the complete service that includes your Digital Identity , the recognition via Webcam necessary for SPID activation and access to a reserved area with assistance via WhatsApp and exclusive content on the various uses of SPID. Find out now!
Activate Spid
The Digital Identity for companies and freelancers to access all online portals such as INPS, INAIL and SUAP, tax payment services and much more. A single access to bring the Public Administration into your office.
Only 57,80 €/year
Health bookings, business practices, school enrollments ... all the most useful services with a single username and a single password.
With SPID your digital identity and your privacy are guaranteed: Your data is protected and not disclosed to third parties.
SPID allows you to access all the network services of the PA, wherever you are and from any device (smartphone, tablet and computer).
SPID is a Digital Authentication system to access all the services of the Public Administration with a single username and a single password.
Revenue Agency, INPS and INAIL. With SPID, accessing public services is quick and easy.
SPID is the Digital Identity system which, through a username and password, allows you to access in a safe, simple and fast way to all services of the Public Administration and private companies that have joined the SPID system (System Public for Digital Identity).
SpidItalia è il nome dell’identità digitale fornita dall’Identity provider Register.it.
Spid Power è un servizio proposto da Register.it che include l’identità digitale SPID ad uso privato, l’attivazione semplificata delle credenziali SPID tramite riconoscimento via webcam e un'area riservata da cui è possibile ricevere assistenza dedicata via WhatsApp sull’uso di SPID e accedere a contenuti esclusivi sul Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale.
SPID is aimed at all Italian citizens of age, including residents abroad, in possession of a valid Italian identification document, a health card or a tax code card.
Possono richiedere SPID anche i cittadini stranieri con permesso di soggiorno residenti in Italia.
SPID is the public digital identity system for accessing all the online services of the Public Administration through a single username and a single password.
All’interno di tutti i siti della Pubblica Amministrazione è presente un bottone di Login “Entra con SPID” che consente di accedere allo specifico servizio proposto tramite le proprie credenziali SPID.
I servizi a cui si può accedere tramite SPID sono oltre 5.300 e sono in continua evoluzione. Consulta il sito Spid.gov.it , per avere un quadro completo e aggiornato dei servizi disponibili.
To request and obtain your SPID credentials you need:
- an active e-mail address
- a mobile phone number
- a valid identity document chosen from an identity card, passport, driving license, residence permit
- Your health card with the tax code.
Read all the SpidItalia documentation
In this page shows the authentication systems we make available, for each of which the security level of the SpidItalia digital identity and the date in which AGID approved them.