
The domain dedicated to your business

New domains


Domain .cheap

Thanks to a well known brand that reminds us that cheap can be chic, the meaning of this new domain name is universally understood. This is clearly due to businesses that offer particularly affordable prices, such as outlet stores, discount stores and supermarkets that make low cost their strong point. For those who already have a shop with a traditional domain, the new domain .cheap is an effective alternative to use during sales or promotion periods.

What does the domain .cheap include

  • Unlimited web space
  • Unlimited subdomains
  • 3 email addresses (2GB)
  • Antivirus and antispam
  • WebMail
  • 3GB of FTP traffic

Trademark owner?

Discover the services dedicated to the trademark owners, such as the Trademark Clearinghouse - TMCH (the only global database of registered brands authorized by ICANN), or the Domains Protected Marks List - DPML (block of the registrations of similar/equivalent domains of your brand in over than 200 of the new extensions).

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