
The domain dedicated to your business

New domains


Domain .builders

We are all builders of something. Some of us build houses and buildings, some web applications, some information, some opinions and trends, and the list goes on. The .builders extension is the top-level domain for those working in and around the construction industry, such as building suppliers, guides and bloggers, and want to be easily found. Above all, this top-level domain is the best presentation for those whose mission is the building of values, ideas, sturdy working teams and, last but not least, ... dreams.

What does the domain .builders include

  • Unlimited web space
  • Unlimited subdomains
  • 3 email addresses (2GB)
  • Antivirus and antispam
  • WebMail
  • 3GB of FTP traffic

Trademark owner?

Discover the services dedicated to the trademark owners, such as the Trademark Clearinghouse - TMCH (the only global database of registered brands authorized by ICANN), or the Domains Protected Marks List - DPML (block of the registrations of similar/equivalent domains of your brand in over than 200 of the new extensions).

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